Thursday, 30 January 2014

I'm back and feeling better.

Wow it's been nearly a week since I've updated and I'm really sorry my lovelies. I felt like I'd been hit by truck when I woke up Saturday and just couldn't get out of bed Sunday, since then I've spent all my free time sleeping, thankfully my girls have been so good and my mums been running round helping.

I'm now feeling better but still not 100% (I keep loosing my voice which the girls find funny) so spending my downtime curled up under my duvet on the sofa working through my sky planner, I have a crazy amount of police dramas to watch, castle & ncis are my current obsession.

I've already started thinking about my next couple of posts so hopefully they will be with you within the next week. 

Hope your all ok? xx

Friday, 24 January 2014

Friday Night De-stress

Well it's been a stressful week, Mr H has gone back to work, T was sent home sick from school mid-week, pre-teen strops from K and a 1500 word essay hanging over my head.  It's pretty fair to say I've drank an unhealthy amount of coffee so I've promised myself a detox & pamper filled weekend as I think I'm coming down with a cold. I find it really hard to unwind most nights and on my worst nights I tend to reach for my favorite candle, ipad, foot pack or face mask and a brew. Tonight is one of those nights!

Fragrance Direct Beauty Haul #2

Someone on Facebook recommended Fragrance Direct as the go to place for discounted makeup and nail polish so I decided to have a nosy, not really looking for anythink but I'm pretty pleased with the bargains I picked up, even if my bank balance isn't.

I'm a self confessed nail polish addict and a great believer that you can never have enough pretty shades no matter how much my friends tell me you can. So the first things I picked up were some bargain nail polishes I've been considering for a while and I just couldn't say no at the discounted prices.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Love Me Beauty January Box

The last of my christmas subscription off Mr H to arrive this month was my Love Me Beauty box but only because I missed my postman when he tried to deliver it. 

Love Me Beauty is a beauty box with a difference, every month you get the choose from 3 menus or pick a surprise box. This month I choose menu 1 and I'm very impressed with the selection and size of the products available this month. 

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Glossybox January 2014

Another of my christmas pressies off Mr H was a 6 month subscription to Glossybox which is a monthly Beauty Box delivered direct to your door providing the newest and most exciting beauty miniatures customised to you.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Urban Decay Lip Love Review

I'm a bit late to the party with these lip glosses but after read a few reviews on them I finally decided to  order them in the January sales. I got two shades, Drizzle and Stung for £12.00 each from Look Fantastic. I'll admit I wouldn't normally spend this much on gloss, I'm more of a simple lip balm girl most of the time but I'm very happy with both shades. 

Sunday, 19 January 2014

I've just joined Bloglovin

You can now follow me on Bloglovin xx 

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Birchbox January 2014

One of my christmas pressies off Mr H was a 6 month subscription to Birchbox which is a monthly Beauty Box delivering high-end beauty and lifestyle samples customised for you straight to your door. Since filling out my beauty profile I've been eagerly checking my Birchbox account and emails everyday, hoping to see that dispatch notification. I just couldn't wait to get my box.

Januarys theme is Tiny Tweaks and is all about focusing on small daily changes that will add up to big differences by the end of 2014. And I have to say on opening it I wasn't disappoint one bit, I love my box!

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Picture Polish Collaborations Douceur

I ordered this polish last year from Sally Magpies after seeing a blog post by The PolishAholic but after my initial oohing and aahing its been hidden away in my polish collection gathering dust. Well not anymore as its a pretty miserable day outside I decided to give it a test drive to cheer myself up.

Procrastinating is far too much fun this evening...

Well instead of doing the much needed dose of uni work tonight I've spent the last hour trying to decide on which new phone case to get for my nokia so I can put off replacing it and somehow I've ended up ordering two..

They are both super cute though so thats my excuse if anyone asks and I'm sticking with it lol.

MeMeMe Shimmer Stack Beauty Haul #1

Its become abit of a tradition over the last few years for me and the ladies (as my husband calls them) to meet up once or twice a week for a good gossip at our local coffee shop followed by a wander round the nearby shops. We tend to head straight for the discount shops to see what bargains we can pick up. 

On one such morning earlier this week I couldn't believe my luck to come across stacks of MeMeMe shimmer stacks in Gold and Pink Zest reduced to £2 each in The Outlet.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Katy Perry - Killer Queen Review

As soon as I saw the TV ad I just knew I had to try this perfume and I was hooked as soon as I tried a sample while out christmas shopping. It smelt divine and I was determined to get my hands on a bottle, so I mentioned in passing (a few times) to my friends and family that I loved it in the hope that one of them might take pity on me and get me a bottle for christmas. Unfortunately either non of them took the hint or they just plain ignored it because christmas came and went and Santa didn't put a bottle in my stocking.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

New Year Resolutions

After spending the last couple of years running round like a headless chicken after my girls and Mr H, I decided that enough was enough and that 2014 is going to be the year I take back my identity and stopped being such a 'dead mummy' and focus abit more on me.

So I've made a few simple resolutions which I'm hoping will help.