Hello lovelies, hope you've all had a fab week. Today I thought I'd share with you all a nail of the day post. Yep you did read that right a nails post, I know I haven't share anything remotely polish related in an absolute age but to be completely truthful my nails were in a right old state after a) being completely trashed after summer and b) I had an attack of nail biting when I was stressing over my final module essay, but I'm proud to say they are looking and feeling a lot stronger and healthier.
Friday, 28 November 2014
Thursday, 27 November 2014
MEMEBOX Princess Edition #5 Tinkerbell
I was really undecided about ordering this Memebox at first but decided to take the plunge and ordered it as part of the second Princess trio of beauty products (Little Mermaid, Tinkerbell & Cinderella) as I just couldn't resist the promise of glitter and pixie dust at Christmas time.
The Tinkerbell box has to be the smallest Memebox I've received so far but it's still packed full with six full-sized beauty products and they are perfect to help me get my Tink inspired sparkle on this Christmas.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Novembers Nerd Block Jr. for Girls
The girls love that there's always something new for them to discover and I love seeing their faces light up and just how excited they get every time they see the box sitting on the kitchen table waiting for them, the few hours peace is just a lovely little bonus on top.
Sunday, 23 November 2014
My thoughts on Superbox #75 City Girl by MEMEBOX
As soon as I saw the description for memebox City Girl superbox I couldn't wait to receive it, it's sold as contains 5 of the most buzzed about Korean beauty products according to the ladies of Seoul City who are K-Beauty experts. Superboxes contain only full-sized products and tend to cost alittle more than the usual memeboxes. The City Girl superbox features 5 full sized products and cost $29.99 to purchase, and has a mix of make-up and skincare product that have a value of $129.
Friday, 21 November 2014
Our First Arcade Block!
Happy Friday lovelies, hope your weeks not been too rough!
Today's post is a mini review of our first Arcade Block by Nerd Block. Arcade Block is a monthly subscription video game mystery box which ships to the UK from Canada, it cost $32.49 a month which was roughly around £19.
I've been toying with ordering Mr H an Arcade Block for a while as he's not only is he an avid gamer but he'd mentioned he'd starting getting a little bored with his current mystery box subscriptions so as soon as I received my spoiler email for the October box I knew I had to order it to try as I was sure he'd love it.
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Memebox Princess Edition #2 Sleeping Beauty
Hi lovelies hope your all having a good week, for today's post I thought I'd share my thoughts on The Princess Edition #2, which was inspired by Sleeping Beauty and features 6 fullsized products perfect for an evening of pampering to help you out of your beauty rut, without you having to wait an age for your Prince Charming to turn up and plant true loves kiss on you to wake you up.
Monday, 17 November 2014
The Snuggly Fall Tag
Morning lovelies hope you all had a lovely weekend, today I'm sharing a blogger tag that the awesome Maddie tagged me to do (you can see her original post here)
I'm abit late completing this fall tag as fall or Autumn as we call it here in the UK is just starting to come to an end.
1. Favourite thing about fall?
OK this is a fluffy answer but my favourite thing has to be watching the leaves turn from green to golden and then watching my girls run round the park kicking the fallen leaves around.
2. Favourite fall colours?
Has to be chocolate brown, caramel gold and deep purple. Wow is it bad that 2 of my 3 answers are food related.
3. Favourite fall songs?
I don't really have any but I do tend to listen to more rock the colder and darker it gets.
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Octobers Loot Crate Is Fear Themed
Last months theme is Fear which is of course perfect for this months celebration of Halloween.
For those of you not in the know LootCrate is an Australian geek and gaming monthly subscription box that costs $29.95 (including P&P) a month which works out to roughly be £17.00. Every month is themed and Lootcrate's staff handpick 6-8 of the newest geeky/gaming goodies for you to enjoy.
Warning - If your sensitive or easily scared you might not want to read on.
Monday, 10 November 2014
Glamour Magazine December 2014 Edition
Hiya lovelies my Glamour magazine arrived the other day and it included some great freebies.
On the front cover there is a 20% off H&M gift card which with two tween aged daughters who are just starting to discover their fashion feet this will definately come in handy to buy them some extra Christmas treats.
Saturday, 8 November 2014
Nerd Block Jr. Girls October Box
Our Nerd Block Jnr box arrived and we decided to hide it away from our girls until they reached that beyond bored point during their October half term holiday and Thursday was that day!
After moaning that they were bored and had nothing to do we decided that it was time to break out the Nerd Block and find out what goodies were hidden within to which we were treated to two very excited daughters who couldn't wait to get their hands on it. Thankfully I managed to snap a few pics while K and T were distracted by munching their lunch.

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