So heres my answers..
1. Would you rather be able to apply eyeliner perfectly or be able to contour like Kim Kardashian?
I think it has to be applying eyeliner perfectly as I'm pretty terrible at it and whenever I do it I take forever applying it and alway manage to make a mess of it.
2. Would you rather wear foundation which is two shades lighter or two shades darker?
This one abit tricky for me as I don't actually wear it so at a guess I'd say lighter as its might be easier to blend than darker.
3. Would you rather wear no lipstick ever again or no eyeliner ever again?
As I'm pretty rubbish applying eyeliner I'd definitely rather go without it than lipstick.
4. Would you rather give up your foundation or your mascara?
Pretty easy I'd much rather give up foundation as I don't wear it and I just love my mascara.
5. Would you rather apply your makeup yourself with no mirror whilst on a bumpy car journey or ask a 5 year old child to do it?
As a mum of 2 I can without a doubt say do it myself, I'd end up looking like a clown if I let my girls do it for me!
6. Would you rather wear exactly the same makeup every single day for the rest of your life or drastically change your makeup every single day for the rest of your life (even if it doesn’t suit you!)?
I love how easy and quick my everyday look is to do so I'd definitely prefer to wear it rather than risk a look that doesn't suit me.
7. Would rather have dodgy brows or have patchy fake tan?
Dodgy brows definitely as patchy fake tan is a nightmare to hide.
8. Would you rather have perfectly white teeth or have your perfect hairstyle?
As my hair is so unruly prefect hair sounds like a dream to me.
9. Would you rather wear the same colour nail varnish for the rest of your life or be able to change the colours of your varnish whenever you like but it’s always a little bit smudged?
It has to be the same colour as I hate smudged nail polish it drives me crazy.
10. Would you rather have lots of scented body and perfume products that smell amazing to you but to everyone else you smell like pine tree car air freshener or have products that smell average to you but smell incredible to those around you?
Has to be average to me and incredible to others. My idea if he'll is people thinking I smell.
If you fancy completing the Would You Rather? tag challenge just copy and paste the questions onto your blog and answer them. Don't forget to share your links I'd love to read your responses!
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