Thursdays are mine and Mrs J's (one of the besties) dedicated Frankie's breakfast and girly shopping day. And last week we decided it had been far too long since our last wander round TKMaxx.
So after happily munching down Pancakes with syrup and bacon (I'm never going to lose weight!) and gossiping like we haven't seen each other in an age, we had by the way just two days before for coffee! We headed over to our local TKMaxx where I couldn't resist buying a few goodies.
March's Elle magazine is a Comic Relief special and just £2.99, it was an easy purchase decision to make as its a good cause, while the Nail Inc polishes were just £3.99 each and just screamed bargain buy. They had a ton of different polishes on the shelves and it was mighty difficult to decide which ones to take home, it literally took me 1/2 hr to decide (Mrs J can vouch for this as she ended up walking off bored and leaving me too it!). I did however manage to stamp down my urge to take them all home and whittle it down to just 4 polishes.