Thursdays are mine and Mrs J's (one of the besties) dedicated Frankie's breakfast and girly shopping day. And last week we decided it had been far too long since our last wander round TKMaxx.
So after happily munching down Pancakes with syrup and bacon (I'm never going to lose weight!) and gossiping like we haven't seen each other in an age, we had by the way just two days before for coffee! We headed over to our local TKMaxx where I couldn't resist buying a few goodies.
March's Elle magazine is a Comic Relief special and just £2.99, it was an easy purchase decision to make as its a good cause, while the Nail Inc polishes were just £3.99 each and just screamed bargain buy. They had a ton of different polishes on the shelves and it was mighty difficult to decide which ones to take home, it literally took me 1/2 hr to decide (Mrs J can vouch for this as she ended up walking off bored and leaving me too it!). I did however manage to stamp down my urge to take them all home and whittle it down to just 4 polishes.
Westminster Bridge Road is a glitter polish with fine blue glitter and larger blue/silver glitters and is part of the Galaxy range.
Bankside is one of the Modern Art polishes and is a purple/grey based polish with multi- coloured glitters that dries to a semi matte.
Chesterfield Hill is another Galaxy polish but it has fine pink glitters and chunky rainbow glitter.
And Piccadilly Arcade which is part of the Nail Jewellery range, it's an amazing Emerald Green and is packed full of multi sized green glitters.
I also took a quick browse round the homewares department and while gazing make that drooling at all the pretty notebooks I spied this gorgeously pretty cook and party hosting book all in one and after a quick flick through I had to have it.
The Vintage Tea Party Book by Angel Adoree cost me £9.99 and it's well worth the pennies, I love it! The whole book has a mad hatter tea party vibe to it which I adore, it's fun, quirky and I can't wait to try out some of the recipes. I'm also desperate to get my hands on the totally gorgeous China teasets especially the teapots.
Right behind it I found Grandma's Special Recipe 'Jams, Jellies and Perserves' cookbook. My cookbook shelve at home is sorely missing a good jam book and after another quick flick I decided this book could make a great jumping off post for me as I'm a complete novice in the jam making department.
It's also a really cute little book and for just £4.99 I'm really impressed with the selection of recipes, a lot of which I've never even heard of, carrot jam being one!

After grabbing both books I headed straight over to the kitchen equipment aisle in search of a sugar thermometer, because you can't make jam without one, and for some more preserving jars, my small selection of Kilner are all in use!
I didn't manage to find a jam thermometer but I did hunt down this cute little Set of 3 250ml Red Check Preserving Jars and they were just £2.99 which is a complete bargain in my opinion.
Now all I have to do is find myself a thermometer and I can start Jamming.
x B x
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