Saturday 23 May 2015

6 days and counting!

Wow I can't believe it's been nearly a month since my last post, I've been swamped the last couple of weeks with my final pieces of fiction sorry coursework and a few personal matters stressing me out to the max but please bare with me because in 6 days yep just 6 days this module finishes and I start my 4 month long summer holiday before my next module starts in October. I have so many plans for this extra long and hopefully peaceful break and I can't wait to share them with you all. 

I've also been on a health kick the past month and I'm finally starting to see some benefits, I'm slowly losing lbs and inches and I'm starting to feel super pleased with myself. My current goal is to lose 1stone by August 1st and right now I'm on target to reach it early. For the first time in years I'm actually feeling as confident and as happy as I make myself out to be.

Right for now though it's time to hit the books and get my last essay finished so come Thursday I can celebrate and start to wind down. 

x B x 

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